Baby Shopping??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im only 14 weeks and 3 days but Ill find out the sex of my baby next Monday...just a little curious on when you all started shopping...I have a 4 and 5 year old I started late with them but for some reason Im ready to start now..but I heard a few tails about shopping early...any suggestions??


  • im 20 weeks and i am just buying things like diapers and stuff to stock up...
  • I plan on starting to shop as soon as I find out the sex. Is it bad luck to shop early? My sister has bought everything boy and girl because she plans on having one of both, she's bought all the furniture, and even painted the nursery...mind you she's not pregnant or even trying right now. I think that's absurd. Especially since I am pregnant and can't buy anything till I know the sex. Grr
  • I have been buying diapers and wipes every paycheck to get stocked up on that
  • Ok so im 17 weeks now and doctors comfirmed a it too early to start??
  • No I started as soon as I found out and BTW Congrats :)
  • I had bought everything at like 13 weeks I bought boy and girl stuff and then when I found out it was a girl I returned the boy stuff and got everything I was missing now I have everything but a breast pump and the returns helped with the extra money I feel so relieved to have everything I felt like it was such a burdon oh and I need a diaper bag just gonna get one online. ;)
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