Is this normal?? (TMI)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm noticing small chunk like things(?) coming out of my nipples?? So weird, does anyone know if this is normal?


  • Like white paste? Yup pretty normal.
  • Any other symptoms I assume you are due august?
  • I've heard that happening to others before. I'm not that far along yet to kno :/
  • Ya, I'm almost 18 weeks, I thought this may be too early for anything like this to happen...Ya, like clear and white things, they are soft though. Like built up something or other...strange lol
  • As long there is no other symptoms like redness,painful etc it is pretty normal you might even leak once a while.
  • Ok thank you. I just wanted to make sure
  • I'm 22 weeks n have Nuttin but huge boobs
  • I forgot to add if it smells weird or has odor in general. With all my pregnancies I always was leaking
  • Oh no tht means u hav milk I'll b 25wks Sunday n still no milk :(
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