positive c-section stories

edited March 2011 in Birth Stories
I am 23 wks and having my second. I've been planning my first home birth since before I conceived, lol. Now I am facing a possibility of placenta previa and a c-s. I have always been a birth nut and have read so many books, studies, and articles on natural birth and all its benefits. I am really, really scared and I can't stop thinking about a terrible experience I might have: trouble healing, nursing, and bonding.
If anyone has a positive cs story, I feel it would put mind at ease and help me to accept however my son comes into the world. Id appreciate it so much!


  • I had a c section with my daughter who will be 3 in July and I loved it!! She was breech so we knew ahead of time that I would be having one. She was born on Friday at 12:30 and we went home that Sunday. I hardly had no pain what so ever. I actually went shopping the Monday after we came home!! If you have Any questions feel free to ask me!
  • I have had two c-sec. I don't remember being on a lot of pain. I do remember the pain Weds being way to strong and ended up just taking motion. I nursed both my boys. As far as bond you can tell the nurses you want your baby in the room with you. So you can hold the baby all you want. I am looking forward to this c sec. But I am one of the ones that prefers c sec. I labored with my first for 2 hrs with no meds and that was enough for me. The pain was unbearable and useless bcuz he was not coming out that way anyway. I hope that helped. Good luck and God Bless.
  • Don't worry! I had one with my daughter who is now 6 n I will b having one with the twins. Ur baby will be just as healthy with a c-section as with natural birth.
  • edited March 2011
    My son waz born n 2009 via c-sectn due 2 me not dilating fast enough n his heart rate waz droppn. Evrythng wnt well 4rm my pain-recovery. Im currently havn a girl n my c-sectn iz set 4r June 1 cuz I hve placenta previa n im not a bit nervous.
  • edited March 2011
    Its not my story, but my moms. My oldest brother was a preemie. They had to do an emergency c-section. After that she had to have c-sections for the rest of us. She has had 4 c-sections and all were fine. She's like a size 5 at 44 years old. She nursed all four of us. So no worries there.

    You'll be fine girl.
  • I had a c-section in July of 2008. It was my very first pregnancy, so I was terrified that I was not going to be going through the experience I was expecting. But, in the end I had a fantastic recovery, surgeon, & just experience all together. Never had any issues healing or much pain to be honest. The scar is really in-noticeable & pain free! It's scary to think about, but I am definitely having a c-section again this time around. Plus, I love choosing my kiddos birthdays (;
  • This will be my 3rd c-sec. I just cant imagine havn a bby come out thru my hula...lol... anyways.. rapid healn and faster... Good Luck mommy
  • Thanks ladies. I had my daughter naturally and it was really amazing. I felt very accomplished. I guess I'll have to look at going thru surgery with the same sense of accomplishment. Count down to May 13th ultrasound is on.
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