is this normal? please help.

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
I'm just asking cuz I've never paid attention to getting pregnant til I was pregnant. So I'm just asking about this implantation thing. Is it normal to have a little cramping and spotting? Cuz I went for a blood test yesterday and I find out Monday. I'm just nervous that I will get a negative. :-( I was due for af on tues and it never came. I think I took the hpts to early. But now I'm a little confused. Can someone help me?


  • I spotted twice. just a t iny bit of brown discharge both times. I'm still a it nervouse too.ive also had very mild mild cramps. o and im 6weeks' spottef last sat. went in for a hcg and they were ok. knocke on wood.
  • I just went to the restroom and wasn't spotting. It was actual dark red blood. :'( I guess this means no baby. Now I'm sad. I shouldn't be surprised cuz I got a blood test yesterday and I guess I should have know that was bad idea. I usually don't have trouble getting preg so I am sad. I guess its not meant to be. :-(
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