
edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I have suffered with constitution throughout my first two pregnancies and so far during this one, I am 13 wks 4 days. Earlier this week I got some new prenatal vitamins, the gummy ones from Walmart. They have no iron in them and I am finally feeling some relief from constipation. I know that I get plenty of iron from my diet and the excess from my vitamins was backing me up. Hope some other mommies can find some relief by getting rid of iron in their vitamins.


  • I've never seen the gummy ones! I want! Lol
  • I just bought some from walgreens for 12.00
  • The gummy vitamins are missing iron and calcium, but I just bought a calcium vitamin. The DHA is also a little lower than other vitamins I have taken so I also got a DHA supplement. Hopefully I will continue to feel better. I take Colace also and that really hasn't been doin its job until I cut out the additional iron.
  • Thank god mine is just starting to subside at 12wks naturally. That was terrible lol
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