does anyone have ideas?

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
I guess I'm not pregnant this time. But I'm going to try again next month. So my question is, does anyone have any ideas on how to get pregnant with a girl? I've done that "test" with a needle and thread that says I will have boy boy girl girl. So I'm curious on ways to help toward having a girl. So far its been right. I have 2 boys. :-) any ideas/advice would be nice.


  • I know this sounds weird but some say doggy style makes girls lol ... dunno tho also if ur into myths try the chinese gender chart.. and calculate what month for u is girl :)
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  • They supposedly say that girl sperm last longer then boy sperm does. So to have sex a day or so before ovulation then not again. I wouldn't recommend tighy whitys if your husband has a low count because it would cause more issues. Hope it helps!! Prayers and baby dust sent your way!!!!!
  • Thank you ladies. I have read that for a girl have sex 3 days before ovulation. And as far as the cart thing, the one in my dr office says april for a girl. ;-) so I am going to try april. Lol.
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