They say a baby is born every minute!! who else is due in NOVEMBER :)

edited March 2011 in November 2011
This is my 3rd baby and I'm excited :-)) my due date is estimated Nov. 20th and I'm hoping for a boy. When is your due date? And do u have a preference (boy or girl) and why O:)


  • Due Nov.23 and hoping for a girl.:) I have a little boy already. So I want a little lady :)
  • I'm due Nov 16th :) and I want a girl my sis has three boys so a girl in the family would be nice :)
  • edited March 2011
    Nov 17th I think but I will know forsure on the 4th and I want a girl because little girls are sooo cute!!!
  • I'm due November 8th, I feel like it's a boy, but we'll be happy no matter what. :)
  • This is my 3rd baby, I have 3 yr old twin boys so a little girl would be sweet. I'm due 11/07
  • This is my 5th and my due date is November 14th and I'm hoping for a girl because this daddy and I already have a boy together.
  • I am due the 27 th of November hoping for a girl too!!!!
  • I'm due nov 28th and I'm hoping for a boy! Why I have one boy and three girls... my son is the oldsest and its so time for a boy
  • Im do nov. 11 or 12. I have a 2 yrs old son, so I want a girl. So I can dress her up in pink n lil dresses.
  • I'm due November 26th..... Thanksgiving Baby! :-D
  • I'm due November 18th. I'm hoping for a boy as a have a 2 year old girl :)
  • Nov. 10th :) first baby, hoping for a boy
  • I'm due on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24. W're having a turkey! :) I want a boy, he wants both.
  • I am due Nov 4th
  • Nov 28th with my first!!
  • Congrats ladies!! We are all going to be momnies!!
  • My 5 th I want a girl edd nov 4th
  • We have the same due date!!!
  • Im due with my second (maybe second and third) and due 11/11 my frost was due 11/12 but was born six weeks early!
  • Nov 20th too! :) and also hoping for a boy! Cuz I already have my lil girl!
  • EDD 11/03/2011
    my fiancee wants a boy
    have 2girls & 1 boy
    i really dont mind aslong as its a healthy baby, but the way I feel I think is another girl!
  • I'm also due nov 20th and this is my fifth I have all boys praying oh so dearly for a girl.
  • Nov. 16th I'm happy boy or girl
  • November 8th, first baby don't mind which gender, waiting another month to see if its twins or not as runs in both sides of family so hoping so :)
  • Im due in november to :-) estamated on the 14th any 1 got any cravings yet x
  • November 16th as well! My first one! As long as we get a healthy one, we don't care about the sex.
  • Im due the 17th this will be my second and I cant wait. My first was born november 28th lol xx
  • I'm Due Nov 27th wit my first
  • I am due November 27th with my 2nd. But it has been 9 years since my last pregnancy. I'm excited but a little scared.
  • My hubby would like a girl because we have 2 boys ( age 12 from his previous relationship and age 8 from us.) I don't have a preference because I love my boys but a girl would be different.
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