I was. But somehow things got better. Hubby went to Afghanistan in 06 that's when it started. By the time he was home and realized something was wrong and how badly he wad treating me, he was training for another tour in 2008. A lot happened to both of us that tour and he was able to deal with things and talk about it more. If u wanna chat more and need to vent private msg me if ya want.
@shmegs I'll think I might do that. He came back from Iraq beginning of 07 so I have been dealing with it for almost 4 years but maybe my hormones are so out of wack I can't seem to handle it so close to delivery
@veteranswife yeah they don't listen to him either just try to keep him completely drugged up and increase the dosage all the time does your hubby twitch a lot when he sleeps
@marierica he is taking slot of drugs since he just doesn't have ptsd. He twitches also choked me once and almost punched me in his sleep and also kicks and hits.
@veteranswife my husband got back from Afghanistan in 04 I got preg at the end of 04 he has it too mostly just anxiety and paranoia and nightmares. He's not being treated because he's still in and u know the stigma that for a with it. But yeah when he first got back w that Deployment I wanted to strangle him. It's funny now but wasn't then, I'd get the Charlie horses where I'd wake up screaming and him w his ptsd would wake up from a dead sleep and think I was screaming cause we were under attack haha
@veteranswife yeah mine also has a really bad shoulder and a few other things and yep I have been kneed kicked sometimes he grabs my arm and holds it down but when I wake him up he apologizes he will cuddle with me until he start to fall asleep and I make him turn over and move away a little cause sometimes the twitching scares the hell outta me and if he moves it prevents alot if the jabs and knees and holding me down while he is sleeping