What happens when baby starts to eat REGULAR food??

edited March 2011 in Just for Fun
Ok so this is super random but a serious thought that has been on my brain ever since I found out I was pregnant.... what happens when its time to cook for my daughter??? I can cook but When I'm hungry I'm HUNGRY and need something right then and there!! I'm 21 and prefer fast food, microwavable food, and stuff you can just pop into the oven.... whould I be depriving my child if I continue to keep this going??? I only like to cook if I want something that's not a regular menu item.... or just on holiday's..... I pratically live off of cereal, oatmeal, and pizza rolls... :-(


  • Get easy. Recipes like Kraft cookbooks and start practicing you will get the hang of it! Good luck!
  • so ur kindof depriving bub now u should be eating fruit veg meats ceral n dairy u know all tge good stuff. when u start feeding bub its eaey, rice cereal with dash of milk easssyyy. then as they move on just blend fruit or veg or meat to like paste simple dont add salt. or u could always buy tin/jar food
  • edited March 2011
    @jenn_929 Lol that sounds like a good idea! @bummy87 I eat lots of that stuff you mentioned... its just when it comes to actual meals, i dnt cook if I have to be in the kitchen for more than 15 min....
  • coooooooollllllll!!!!!!!!!!
  • Little ones are easy to feed after the baby food stage, you can feed them tiny pieces of fruit like bananas or peaches, dry cereal, bread, pasta, mostly anything you eat, just cut up small. But it would be a good idea to look up easy recipes and plan meal times, because kids like routine and they do better if they always know lunch and dinner are coming at the same time. Plus, if you don't wait until you're starving to eat, you'll have more patience to cook.
  • They have Gerber meals and snacks for toddlers as well. :)
  • The Gerber snacks are good but I looked at the meals and they have alot of sodium in them
  • @laura536 I never wait until I'm starving... Its just when I'm hungry I dnt like to have to prepare anything unless the preparation is SUPER easy... lol Maybe its just me being lazy... Idk... @mommyoftwoprincesses Thanks! I definitely need alternative meal solutions...
  • I have a picky eater. She eats cereal with milk almost every morning and she's one. She has been having regular cereal for a few months.(around 10-11 months) baked potatoes or baked sweet potatoes. As far as other veggies she just eats canned. Waffles(no syrup but sometimes cream cheese) and grilled cheese cut up really small. She is the worst when it comes to meat. My pedi said plain chunk light tuna pouches are good and u don't need teeth to eat it really lol. Yogurt for babies sometimes I mix her baby food in it
  • @lillebug Thank you! So basically anything simple?? Lol The things I eat without the added extra stuff... (I LOVE eggo waffles)
  • Yeah I buy the whole grain egg's with blueberry's for her. We have tried a lot of different food and the simple things work better for us. Spaghetti is an idea. Mine wont eat it. I also have her on toddler formula bc even tho she does eat a variety she is picky and doesn't eat enough at one time but she only has two things of formula a day. She wont drink milk much and was not into apple juice so I actually tried oj with her. It worked and she drinks water really well.
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