How far along were you when you found out the sex?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I live in california and I'm getting more impatient and reallllllly wanna find out so I can start buying, but just curious as to when all you mommies found out the gender?



  • I found out just after 16 weeks I was impatient too so went for a 3d gender scan.. how far along are you?
  • Start with gender neutral stuff like maybe a green blanket or something cute that can go both ways. There are a lot of cute things that are gender neutral just hold off until I believe 16 weeks to buy dresses or stuff with cars on it. We were far enough along to find out at the first ultrasound (4.5 months).
  • 13 weeks
  • 15 weeks
  • Sixteen weeks.
  • Im gonna be 22.5 weeks preggo! 1st of june i find out urghhh soooooo impatiant!
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  • With my first pregnancy I was 18.5 wks
  • i found at at 22 weeks.
  • 20 weeks with both of my kids.
  • 15w4d. Couldn't wait for u/s at the docs so I went to fetal studios. My doc u/s is this Thursday. Hope to confirm a healthy boy in there!
  • I found out 20 wks just to get to 30 wks for them to tell me oops we told u the wrong sex lol
  • @KrissMiss what part of California are you from???? I'm from San Diego! I'm 13 weeks today =) and I can't wait to find out either!!! I started knitting a blanket with neutral colors, yellow green and white =p
  • I was 18wks :)
  • @MummyNumber3 and @mommy_yaya ill be 13 weeks tomorrow!
    I'm from clovis, ca :)
    I think I will start out with neutral things, like maybe a green bath tub or some soft neutral blankets.. I'm just soo antsy and have no patience. But I guess this is the best time to learn some lol. I have an appt with my midwife on Wednesday, I'm hoping she could tell me a general time-range when I could find out! Fingers crossed!!
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