my name decision :)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Due august 17th. Last ultrasound we had at 14 weeks they told me it was a boy. I go this week for my 20 week ultrasound. We decided either way if its a boy or a girl we will name it fallon connor. We want to spell it faolan or falyn for a boy and falynn for a girl. What do you guys think?


  • I like it its very cute for both girl and boy I really like it.spelt fallon though I have a liking of.double letters and symetry lol
  • Thanks for the input :) we are trying to decide there are so many options lol
  • Way cute for either boy or girl. Sometimes I think the hardest part is both agreeing on something.

    I think we might have finally found a name for our little man. Colby Rex Knighton. Rex is my dads name. Hope it sticks hubby has been extra difficult on names
  • Colby rex is very cute. I suggested things like that but I think those names are too exoctic lol. I got him to open up with irish names :) it takes a while to find something you both even agree on
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