who do i choose?? should i have to choose?

I am 39 weeks pregnant with my 2nd child. I had to break up with my childrens father because his drinking, drug use and partying got completely out of control. When I finally told him to leave, I was about 3 months along. I met a great guy and about 2 months later we started dating. I want to make this clear- I knew this guy from work and we had been friends for almost 6 months before I made the decision to bring him to meet my 2 year old. This guy is great with my son and acts as if my children are his. I have recently started being on civil terms with my ex, and now comes the question...both men want to be in the delivery room with me when I go into labor. What do I do? I don't want to hurt either mans feelings but I also want to be comfortable. Is that wrong?


  • Its who ever you want in the room and screw their feelings its your and your babys day
  • No its not wrong my boyfriend is not my bd but we have known eachother for years n am gunna have him there n if bd has a problem he can wait in the waiting room but that's just me
  • Thanks I was with my bd for 11 years, I think that's why its so difficult for me to choose.
  • Me and bd came to a hard understanding. I told him straight up that my boyfriend WILL be in that room. He just asked that he, my bd, cut the cord. And I am allowing this, because my bf is squeemish. But he also understands that I hold all the power as to who is in the room and he is behaving thusly.
  • Maybe you should talk to your bf and bd and see how they feel about being in the room together....i know youll probably be more comfortable with the guy youre with now but that is still your exs child you have to keep that in mind
    ...i know its hard but imagine youre in both of there shoes

    And see if one can be there for labor while the other do delivery...(i would say bf labor because youll need support and you would deal with him longer lol, and bd delivery because hell be able to see his child first and hold him/her first)

    Good luck:)
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