
edited March 2011 in Getting pregnant
im 7dpo and I never get heartburn or constipation and ive had both for 2 days.... very tired. hope to get bfp on april first. has anyone cramped on and off for the whole week after big O? is that a good sign? cant remember with my first child


  • I have bn cramping for 10 days now. Three before the big O and now U after. I can test on the 1st as well
  • well I hope for the best for both of us @live4my2 let me know how it turns out for you!
  • Im also 7dpo and I feel like I'm hyper aware of my body. Im bloated and a little dizzy at times, but those could be period symptoms too. I even looked in the mirror today and thought, are my nipples darker? I'm either crazy or pregnant, or both.
  • im trying so hard not to overlook symptoms. im just too anxious! 4 more days and I can test! dont know if I can wait that long.. good luck let me know it turns out!
  • I started having slight cramping about a week after the big O. The day the cramps started I wiped and had a pink discharge with a tiny spot. Since then I've been cramping on and off and feeling nauseous a lot. I test the 2nd. Baby dust to you all!
  • @pineapple07 that sounds very promising for you! I think you will get your positive this month! I have cramping on off since I ovulated... like stretching almost.. but no impl. bleeding yet.. so who knows trying not to get hopes up...
  • Get first response digital. You can test 5 days before your missed period
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