OMG! So embrassing.....

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
So I know this may b Ami, but I had to pee really bad and ran to the bathroom....well as I was finishing up, I got a strong smell of twizzlers and started sniffing, well just as I did that and I was looking around for where the smell was coming from, my son barges in and looks at me like what in the world r u doing? Truth b told, I was sitting on the tolit the entire time.....


  • Awww poor girl. I function on the potty as a regular activity now.... long after the deeds are done
  • Lol I just thought it was odd that I smelled twizzlers in there...I found out later that it was a new air fresher my hubby put in...smh
  • Ummm I want an air freshener that smells like twizzlers!! Lol that's a funny story!
  • I have no idea where he got it, but it is awesome!
  • I don't get it lol
  • @sunshinelove when I was using the restroom last night I got an overwhelming scent of son barged in and I was sniffing around the bathroom like a mad woman, he looked at me like I was crazy and left...later on my hubby told me that he had put a new air freshener in the br and that is prob what I was
  • Oh okay okay lol brain died.for.a min there. Btw what's smh?
  • Smh is shaking my head ;-)
  • @sunshinelove Smh means "shaking my head"
    @sramos26 hehe I thought u were gonna say the twizzler smell was your urine, then I was about to diagnose you with high blood glucose and say call OB...but I'm glad ur story turned out much more lighthearted :)
  • @cinnabon lol wouldn't that be something?? I told my hubby that he shouldn't change things around without telling me ne more...I really thought I was losing my mind! Not to mention I made him go to the store n buy twizzlers
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