I dont wana find out wat im having

Im 15 weeks pregnant with my second baby. My babys dad is axiouly wanting to kno what were having but I dnt want to I wana wait til birth. N he wants a boy...i also dont want him to get to confortable sayin its a boy than when birth comes its not.......so should I let him kno or make him wait :D


  • Well in a way I kind of don't want to know what I am having either being that i already have four girls, lol but its a little early for me to find out what I am having. I'm only 5wks and 4days....how far along are you?
  • Im 15 weeks...i want I girl I already have a girl but I like girls lol....n he wants a boy
  • I think all boys want boys....rite? Lol
  • I'm a guy and want a daddys little girl >:D<
  • Ask him nicely to wait. It is more exciting that way. I didn't find out the first time. I would like to know this time. But I don't want him to know until the child is born. This is my second, but my bf's first.
  • Super ecxited to wait to find out. Im 19 weeks my ultra sound is ib four days so hopefully I can stick to not knowing. My first child I found out. The last two doc apt the heart beat has been soo different one was 130 then last week it was 158 so no idea...awaitin the suprise :) good luck to all u beautiful mommies
  • I want a lil girl. I we both definitely want to find out. but as long as its a healthy baby il b happy w whatever god send me (:
  • Neither my husband nor I wanted to find out the first time around- we loved the surprise! I wouldn't have wanted it any other way... the only reason we're going to find out this time is so we know what to tell our little girl- I don't want her to think its one way & be disappointed... good luck!
  • I want to know... but not yet. I really want to find out when we go to design the nursery. I decided to let my boyfriend know and he can tell me later on. Finding out the sex is very personal. Everybody has their preference and god forbid you show any disappointment to somebody besides your partner if you don't get what you want
  • we decided to wait cause my husband wanted to but I went to hospital 3 weeks later.n found out it's a girl hubby doesn't know I know but now we are both happy, you could get.the person doing the ultrasound to write it on a piece of paper n if he just can't wait he could look at the paper that way he would know but u wouldn't n don't ask him if he knows cause you will then be able to tell from his face just leave it be :)
  • My boyfriends parents are very strong in their belief, "there aren't many true surprises in life." So even though I want to know, I've been promised to not find out until the birthday :) I will enjoy the surprise but I'm OCD at planning things. :)
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