worst dream ever!

edited March 2011 in Sleep
OMG ladies I just had the worst dream ever!! That I had a miscarraige, Omg I'm so scared now I can't go back to sleep.


  • im sorry :( have had bad dreams like that too. im sure everything is ok. we dream of our fears and that is one of all of our fears.. how far are u?
  • Thank You! It was so scary :( I'm 16wks
  • yea I know what u mean.. I woke up crying one time.. ive even woke up thinking I wasnt pregnant multiple times and it took me a while to remember I really was.. its crazy.
  • I had a dream the other night when I went in for my 10 week appointment they told me the baby stopped developing but then a week later at 11 weeks I went in to labor and gave birth to a toddler! It could already hold it's bottle and it was flipping through books! Let the crazy dreams begin!
  • I just woke up cus some guy breathing lound was after to kill me!! And wake and the loud breathing is my husband! Hate any bad dreams! I had another one but cant remember it...
  • I've never been a big dreamer so I'm not sure if its cause I've stopped my medical marijuana or the pregnancy that's making me have OFF THE WALL DREAMS & its every night. Had dreams about my dad which I never did before & of my crappy work, my car getting towed, buying barbies, etc.. super crazy but I kinda like dreaming though its very odd!
  • In the beginning of my pregnancy, I had a lot of dreams of elderly people trying to kill me.:/ thank gosh those went away now.
  • I had an awful nightmare last night that I went in for my c section and they wouldn't let my husband come back and then after my baby was out they were talking in a different language about selling my baby on black market with all my organs. That was awful lol
  • My mom says watch what you eat before going to bed. Pizza and chocolate give her nightmares.
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