Wine && pregnancy!!??

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Ok, so ill be 21 on the 12th && I'm jus wondering how everyone what feels on drinking just one glass of wine while pregnant!?? I'm 20 weeks nd haven't drank anything so far!!?? I could realy care less n go without that glass of wine!??


  • My 21st birthday was at the start of the month. I didn't drink anything. Fried cause I felt I was missing the usual right of passage to drink... legally. Cried about it. Blame the hormones.
    I wouldn't risk it.

  • Aww :( I'm srry.. Heyy at least its worth it right!! :)
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  • Drinking one glass of wine is absolutely fine.
  • When I was pregnant with my third child I celebrated my bday in vegas and have to say didn't touch a drop of it. No wine beer or liqour. And I still had a blast.
  • Yep, yep.
    a happy, healthy, cozy little babe.

    Though i've told my BD " I hope the baby and you see and appreciate all these sacrafices and troubles I'm dealing with! "
  • My doc saId one small glass is ok, your kidneys will process that small amount before it gets to baby. I am 23 weeks andthe other night just had my first glass with ice and sipped it over an hour and a half and finished it with dinner and a big glass of water. Its really a personal choice :)
  • My mid wife actually mentioned it without me asking bc I was talking about new years and she said that a glass of wine once on a while is fine
  • I had a glass of wine the night before I found out and my baby is fine. Not sure if I'd do it again now, maybe a sip or two for taste.
  • It should be fine my 2 kids are healthy and I had a glass every once and a blue
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