really scared!!!

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm five weeks and two days pregnant I had a mc last year and I'm so scared to have another one.


  • Just take it easy. Jusr bc you had one doesn't mean you'll have another.
  • Relax. I had a mc in 2006 and went on to have 2 more babies after that. That fear doesnt go away. Just pray and relax. Hopefully everything will be ok. Prayers sent ur way. Congrats on being pregnant.
  • No, in fact, it is not that uncommon for you to have a mc the first time around. Just relax. Every time is different.
  • I also had a MC last June. And I just found out I'm pregnant 5 weeks 3 days and its constantly on my mind! :/
  • Thanks for your help guys I really appreciate it. I'm hoping for the best but is just hard to get it out my mind. Hope all goes well for everyone as well..
  • Dido, I had two mc both didn't find our until 10wks and the babies were only 5wks. In between both I carried full term.i have a beautiful three year old. I found out today im 5 weeks the feeling never goes away. But if its meant to be its meant to be.
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