
edited March 2011 in Health
As stupid as it seems, I feel I am addicted to Hot Cheetos. I'm as serious as a heart attack about this, I feel I can't live without them. I can honestly say I've gone a whole month without them and every second drove me nuts, now its the only thing I really crave! My husband tells me that I need to slow down on them for the baby and were honestly not too sure if it effects the baby and if it harms the baby in any kind of sense buh we still feel I should cut back buh the bad part of me tells me I can't, I don't want to believe it buh at the same time I know its true. Anybody know if it will have a bad affect on the baby? I'm so afraid that it'll seriously affect my child.


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  • I craved everything spicy last pregnancy hot fries and spicy v8 being my fav but put hot sauce on everything. It won't harm the baby but I did have terrible acid reflux that tums wouldn't even help.
  • Thank you for making me crave Clamming Hots even more now. My mom ate spicy food with me and my brother. That would explain why I like spicy things. Its not hurting the baby.
  • No Because I Eat Them 24/7
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  • Envy you gals that can tolerate hot, spicy foods! My tummy tolerates squat!
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  • Hahaha this made me giggle! I eat extra spicy everything! Doc said its fine just be prepared for heartburn! But its worth every bite! I wouod only be worried real close to due date, some peeople say it can help bring on labor :)
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  • Mmmmmm I had buffalo wings n ff for cheetos sound sooooooo super yummy....hubby may have to go to the store after work lol hmmmmm cheetos n twizzlers, even better!
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  • Yay!! Thats amazing news! Theatre nachos are bomb! Yum... Everybody in here absolutely needs to try hot cheetos with chocolate pudding.... Doesn't sound very appealing, I knooooow, buh its just delightful.... Serious...
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