Morning sickness/ All day sickness fix

edited January 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
Okay, you probably have checked into this already and know that morning sickness can be caused from a number of factors, but this is what I believe to be true going into my second pregnancy.
Morning sickness:
1. Avoid fried foods, caffeine, and sweet sweet treats.
2. Snack on crackers or ginger cornbread cookies before you get up out of bed in the morning.
3. Don't let yourself get hungry.6 small (small) snacks or meals through the day.
4. Take your vitamins with crackers in the morning.
5. Peppermint gum on occasion will help settle your stomach. Peppermint Puffs work wonders. Only sweet thing I recommend.
6. I am sure you have read it before... Ginger is amazing. Tried some candy from World Market called Ginger Chews. It works better than Promethazine or any anti-nausea/vomiting meds out there. Made by the Ginger People who carries a whole line of delicious goodies. It tastes a lot like spicy cinnamon and warms your belly. I tried doing raw ginger with my 1st. This is SOOOOO much better.

Hope that helps!
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