bad tooth!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I had to have a wisom tooth pulled last week... I now have dry socket and it hurts so frickin bad! My teeth get so bad during pregnancy.. it happened with my daughter too.. being pregnant there is no real relief either.. this sucks! Anyone else have this problem...I could use a solution


  • Dry socket hurts real bad I know they use something called witch.... Something. They say thats the only thing to take that pain away.

    They removed your wisdom teeth while pregnant? I'm in pain from mine!!!
  • I was going to ask the same question as @Jess510... They pulled them while pregnant? My wisdom teeth are beyond swollen and I can barely open my mouth and can't stand to eat. :-( My top left tooth has partially grown in and my doctor won't pull them until I give birth.
  • @outnumberedbyboys thats the same tooth giving me problems!
  • All of my wisdom teeth are so swollen right now. I look like a chipmunk. Lol. The front of the left top cut through though and it sucks. I'm mostly just hungry since I can barely open my mouth. Lol. Have you talked to your dentist?
  • @outnumberedbyboys yes went today for a filling and she basically said oh.... And that was it. She would never allow me to have it pulled. She made me wait for second trim and get a note from my obgyn for a tiny filling. It didn't even require anasteica(sp)
  • That is better then my dentist... He didn't even bother to have me come in. Lol. I would of felt better if he at least looked. Lol.
  • I've had 9 teeth pulled while pregnant. They don't use novicane, something a little weaker. Most dentist require a release from your ob before they'll even do a cleaning.
  • Yes u just have to find the right dentist and they will do it for you.. having back teeth is worse then getting them pulled @Jess510 call around it took me a couple days to find a dentist but it can be done
  • I was 9 weeks when I had one wisdom tooth pulled, now at 13 weeks I need the other done because its bothering me so bad. They will do it as long as your ob consents. They use a weaker anesthesia though because regular kind can't be used during pregnancy
  • We can get wisdom teeth pulled out while pregnant? Because I need to get mine taken out..all four :(
  • Yes @clope18 talk to ur ob and ur dentist.
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