DH & I have been ttc for 5 1/2 years. We've done IUI seven times, with Clomid & Reponex. Dr has now recommended IVF. We decided to take this month off to clear our heads (it's been intense the last 3 months). So, I was not expecting any weird symptoms this month. But, I started having sore breasts and then last night I had some bright pink discharge. Just a spot. Then, today there was dark brown discharge. Now tonight, I have cramps and pretty much a flow of red! AF is not due for 5 more days and I am ALWAYS regular. I don't know what is going on! I just wanted to take a month off to get away from all this hoping & wondering and then crashing in dissappointment. Anyone have any ideas? I know it could be implantation bleeding, but I don't think there is usually a flow with implantation. But, if it's AF, WHY did it start so early?? Confused!