Just found out my momma is dying of cancer

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Lung cancer found out today, has already spread to her lymph nodes and liver. we thought it was bronchitis. She looks bad and sounds terrible. Every cough she runs outta breath before shes done coughing.
Im due first bit of august I with my son, her first gchild cant stand the thought of her not being here for him when hes born, or his first bday. Just in shock


  • :( Im sorry to hear that. Its a very tough thing to have to deal with and go through. Will they try.chemo?
  • My prayers go out you, dont no religion but stay strong.
  • I am so sorry to hear this. Are they trying chemo? My uncle has lung cancer it spread to 2 of his lymph nodes and his sternum. He looks and sounds really bad but they are trying chemo. And have hope.

    Hugs for you and your family.
  • Were meeting w pulmonary specialist wednesday and we'll make a game plan. Thanks for your support, I just am a wreck
  • Wow. I'm so sorry you have to go through this right now. Hold on to every bit of hope you can.**hugs**
  • How old is you mom? I lost my mom when she was 43 so I can relate
  • Dnt think like that enjoy the time that u have with her keep in mind your baby is sharing this time As while he In side of u and hear everything keep preyer and Faith... only god know if it her time... but enjoy every moment of it.... she will always be with u in spirit... be happy and walk on faith everything going to be okay... and as hard that May be because u dnt know wat tomorrow hold .. that wat she need is someone that can have Faith with her someone that's goin to fight with her...prey over her body from head to toe... ill be praying for u and your family!
  • keep us posted
  • I'm so so sorry my mother passed away of cancer in November of 09 she just made it to see my daughters first birthday in October so I really do know what your goin through its so hard but have faith hopefully she makes it keep your head up
  • I'm sorry hun, praying for you!
  • I'm sorry that you have to go through this. My mom went through the same situation with my brother.
  • I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I hope that there is something they can do for your mother. I lost my mother to a cancer in the lymph nodes, they picked it up when it was already terminal. But i'm praying for you and please enjoy every moment with your mother and be strong. :-)
  • My prayers are going up for u and your family...Stay strong!!
  • Thank you ladies I really appreciate every word its so hard being prego w this stuff. @karla_with_a_k mom is gonna be 50 on april fools 1st
  • Thinking of you hun, we found out 2 months after my daughter was born(her 1st grandchild) that my mother in law had cancer, unfortunately it was terminal and we lost her 6 weeks after our wedding and scarlett was only 9 months, gutted she's not here to know im carrying her grandson now. Keep strong there's so much they can do now (((big hugs))) xx
  • Your mother an urself are in my prayers. Stay strong and keep faith.
  • God have mercy on you and your family. May he bless you with the strength to stand tall I'm going through this. May hr also bless you with the presence of mine to make prudent decisions in line with his plan. My he comfort you and make you feel safe just as you will to your baby. This is my prayer for you..AMEN
  • So sorry..my mom has leukemia and I live in fear every day of losing her. Good luck to your family..hope they can find a treatment to help her fight it!
  • im so sorry. I know it has to be hard but stay strong for urself, her and ur baby. she needs u more than ever.. miracles can happen.. just have faith.
  • I am so sorry to hear that. I lost my mom to stomack cancer in may 2009. She was 57 and she was fighting hard for 8 months. I am still crying everytime I talk or think about her! Try to spend as much time as possible with her and remember sometimes miracle happens. I will keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers.
  • I'm so sorry! Stay strong and just be her support right now. Maybe if her breathing gets easier she can record a storybook for your baby. Spend the time you have together making memories.
  • @BabyMoore I truly understand what you are going through since at this moment my father is dying of stage 4 lung cancer among other complications. I will pray for your mom. I know It's extremely stressful :(
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