Anyone getting extra hair on tummy? :-/
Ok so I'm noticing more and more that hair keeps growing on my belly. I don't look like a man but either its growing or just getting darker. I'm a blonde and went to video my baby kicking and was like.. there is no way. Lol so I stopped. I'm 21 wks 4 days. :-P
We are having a little girl. Jemma Grace although we will confirm her a girl on April 6 when I'm 23 weeks. I thought we were having a boy. Took quizzes, intelligender and more said boy so I had Eli David picked out. So if she is a boy, I will have my little Eli and if she is still Jemma, we will have our boy one day. Devin Jacob is a beautiful name!!!
God is truly blessing us and each of you.
My bf and I have gone through tough times already too but we are trusting God to direct us. God is the giver of life and didnt have to bless us with this baby but He did and we are so hyped!!!!!