sleeping..which side?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hey everyone I was just wondering about sleeping on your left side.. I heard your suppose to but lately I have been losing sleep over trying to only sleep on that side.. has anyone else heard of this? If so why it is important .. and if it can hurt the baby or something if I don't? I'm I worry freak and have been thinking about it since I found out I'm pregnant ..I was the same way when I was preggo w my son who is almost 4 so I dnt really remember about this to well lol


  • Sleeping on your left side is supposed to icrease blood flow to your uterus. I don't know if it matters either way although I read if you have high blood presure then you are supposed to sleep on your left side. I feel like women have been having babies for thousands of years and although modern science call help you have a healthier baby or stay heathier it isn't everything. If you are still worried you can always ask your doc or midwife. Or do what I do and google it lol. Good luck and try to relax I think that's the most important thing!
  • How far along are u? Sleeping on the left side increases circulation and provides more blood flow/oxygen to the baby....but not nessessary unless tummy and back sleeping are already uncomfortable.
  • Thank you (: I <3 Google lol
  • I'm only 6 weeks lol I'm trying to b as safe in all ways till we get threw the 12 weeks I'm probley just freakn myself out about it lol
  • Your pretty early to be worried about that. When you get bigger and the weight starts causing more pressure is when its more important. And you can still lay on your right side then. Just make sure your supporting your belly, and sick to your left when you can. Its just "better" not necessarily a must always do!
  • Thank you good to know (:
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