Anybody fail there 1 hour gt test

edited March 2011 in June 2011
Has anybody fail there 1 hour gt test ? Took mine last Wednesday. They call me today and told me I have to take the 3 hour one. Any of you,guys go throw this? Is there any thing I can do to get levels lower? Please help me I'm im in tear's never had this with my other three.


  • I did with my 2 nd pregnancy its not bad and chances are you prolly won't fail your 3 he I did but hospital messed up and said I had high sugar but it was really low and didn't find out their mistake till I was in labor I was so mad
  • Omg that not good! My doctor nurse told me not to worry cause most people who do three hour sugar are fine. It's just scares me.
  • Yeah and if by chance you do its still not bad just check your sugar they will tell you what to eat and what not and how much of what lol sounds confusing but as long as you check your sugar and if its to high go for a walk and it will go Down
  • With my 4th I failed 1hr and then I had to take the 3hr.I was not allowed to eat or drink anything but water past midnight.I made an appt at quest for very early in the morning so I could go in drink the stuff and then be out sooner so I could go eat.they take your blood every I drank the stuff waited an hr got blood taken waited an hr got blood taken waited an hr got blood taken and was done.I brang stuff to keep me occupied.I didn't not fail that test.I do still think I had gestational diabetes bc my son was born 10lbs and I was very sick the whole preg wit #5 and feel the same way I go 2mrw for my 1st test.
  • Good luck luckey7~ I'm taking,my three hour on monday. So hopefully ill pass that I'm so hurgery and I want fried chicken so bad with hot sauce. I'm scared to eat it lol.
  • @awaamommy lol.did ur dr tell u to change ur diet until the test?or ur just nervous?even though they said I wasn't I still cut down alot on my sugar with overweight and only gained 20lbs last preg and he was 10lbs but they thought he was 8lbs I told them he was alot bigger and they didn't believe me.this preg I feel almost the same way I did last time but not as bad I've cut down alot.I don't want a 10lb baby again or bigger.I have lost weight so far and im 22wks.this is preg #5 and my last one bc my health:( I wish I could have more but I don't think my body can take anymore.
  • @awaamommy Good Luck to u too %%-
  • @ lucky7~No they didn't tell me to cut back. I'm just going to stop eating sweet and I drink one soda a day and I'm going to stop that. I always feel bigger this pregnancy. And this my fourth child. I'm 27 weeks and only gain a pound and a half. But I'm not skinny have some fat on me. Did you have to have c- section with your babys? Also are can you eat ceaser salad cause I'm going to start eating more salad. Thank so much for your help lucky7
  • If I remember correctly my doc only does the 3 hour test.
  • Mine dose a one hour test. And if its above 130mg mine was 139 you have to take the three hour test.
  • No c sections yet.I eat alot of salad and ceasar is my favorite u just have to make sure there's not too much sugar in the dressing and u don't use too much. I still eat stuff that isn't great but I do it in severe moderation.anything fried once a wk.a chocolate desert once a wk.I don't want to completely deprive myself but I want me n baby to be ok.I drink soda once a wk and a cup of coffee once a wk.I stopped it all together the 1st 4 months but only bc I was so sick I couldn't stand it, u want more kids?im basically obese im im 5'2 and 260lbs.I lost 30lbs right b4 my 4th and then lost 60 right after my 4th but I keep getting most likely getting my tubes tied bc my hubby wont get a vasectomy.after this baby I plan on getting back to 150-170 that's when I was my happiest.when I got preg wit 1st I was a sz 5 after her and my 2nd I lost all the weight.I had my 3rd got post partum was 21 wit 3babies and moved to the country n got huge.after this baby im determined to lose the weight I just want to b healthy again.I loves bein btwen a sz9-12 I had everytyin exactly were it should b,lol
  • Yeah I didn't get fat until after I had my frist kid. Plan on losing this it after I have this baby. I am getting my tubes tied. Right now I'm 220.5 and I'm 5'1 so I need to get down to at least 150-160. Hubby dosent want me to skinny lol. So ceaser salad is okay to eat. I just buy the ones at the store got try to cut back. But I plan on eating my chicken and hot sauce and lansanga and salsa for dinner. I would love a picece of glaric toast lol. I think I've finally found a friend on pergly.
  • I failed my 1 hour glycose and had to get the 3 hour they poked me 4 times twice on each arm and in the same vein just diff hole I got really bruised..but the good thing is I came out fine..i was all panicking to but all was good..but if u dont feel sick u prob dont have it...u werent that high anyways hope everything come out good for u 2:)
  • And this is my fourth also..and always passed the 1 hour with others
  • And this is my fourth also..and always passed the 1 hour with others
  • Oops lol stupid phone :/
  • I failed my 1hr and took my 3hr last tuesday im waiting on the results now. Praying for a good outcome. Ill pray for you as well! @happymommyof4 they stuck me 4 times too but all in the same arm 1 in one vein and the 4in the same spot it really hurt!
  • I past all. Mine but when u are pregnant they make you take two 1 hour test but I had to take 3 cuz after my first test they found I was having twins so I had to take more test which sucked
  • Thanks happy Mommyof4 you made me feel better.
  • is there any way to be sure you pass the first test....i mean like if i was sure to cut out extra sugar, and breads all the week prior to the test would it help me or hurt me? I don't want to have my blood drawn a lot...i pass out!
  • @vanalkr~ you can try that and it might idk. Let us know if it dose.
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  • @~dncrass what dose the straw do?
  • I failed mine and have to go for the three hour test Tuesday. I have to start a diet Saturday and finish Monday. I just would like to know if I have to drink the sugar water every hour?
  • @madisonmarie11~No you drink it once and and they draw your blood every hour after that. What dite are you doing cause I ready about it online. But my doc said just fast for 12 hours.
  • I failed with both of my pregnancy's and I did my 3 hour one and passed both times, good luck!
  • @awaamommy I have gestational diabetes and have to take insulin to control it.139 isn't bad at all. My 1hr was over 200! Normal glucose range is 80-120 and a little different in pregnancy. Carbs are what you have to cut back on if you are having problems. Google carb counts and you'll find a list of basic foods and there carb counts. You should have a carbs intake @ each meal of 45-60 and 3-4 snacks with 15-30 carbs each day while pregnant. If you have any questions, email me @, I'm a paramedic & my hubby has type 1 diabetes, so I have a fairly extensive knowledge on the subject
  • BTW....if you truly suffer from diabetes, it wouldn't matter if you ate no sugar for a week before the test, you'd still fail. If you suffer from gestational diabetes, there is a lot of complications it can cause with your baby which is why you will be monitored closely. Don't risk your little ones health trying to "cheat" a bloodtest
  • I failed my 1 hour test last week and i just took my 3 hour yesterday. Ugh the drink was 100% worse..i was gagging..ugh...and they had to take my blood 4 times in 3 hours :*( Im crossing my fingers that it comes back okay this time though!!
  • Thank you so much ladies. I can truly say that I feel a lot better know you guys are helping.@sgthalesbabies~ I'll well be email for help. Thanks again ladies
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