i need help!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So lately I have been feeling like I do not belong here. I mean that I would rather not be here. I tell my husband I want a divorce and I hate his children. Everything has gotten under my skin and it is the most intense feeling. I hate it. I feel like the only reason for living is my 4 year old and unborn baby. Can anyone give me some advice to calm these feelings


  • edited March 2011
    Idk...have u tried counseling?
  • It is not a constant feeling nor is an everyday thing. There are some things that make me so mad and overwhelmed. Even talking to my husband does nothing and I feel miserable taking things out on him. Most days I am a very happy person. But other times id rather be alone so I do not make it worse.
  • Maybe it is just hormones... or maybe there is a deeper issue...
    Like something that u keep pushing away... something you don't want to face... ?
    Idk I get that way but I know the root of most my problems..
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