new mom due sept.



  • I'm Stephanie. I'm due Sept 2nd. Still in that tired stage but loving every minute of being pregnant. I had my son early And two MC. So this is truly a blessing. I'm excites and nervous but I know this baby is healthy. Wouldn't stay still for the us. LOL. Anyone else feel fluttering yet?
  • Hi ladies! I'm due Sept.9...(10wks) no sore breast, never tired, or hungry, no weight gain, BUT there's ALL DAY nausea & vomiting, shortage of breath, its very difficult to eat and drink, can't swallow my own spit, major cramping, body shaking (I'm shaking now as I'm typing) I cry for any reasons, and the smell of anything makes me feel like my life is ending :'( does anyone have any advice on what I should do???
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