Anyone taking baby asprin?

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
So I've been told by a few friends and my new Dr. that it's good to take baby asprin, while ttc and while pregnant. I just bought a low dose asprin, 81 mg. Apparently it can help prevent 4 different types of miscarriage. Well it's worth a try, and it won't hurt. Has anyone else heard anything about it?


  • I'm taking a baby aspirin a day bc I get preclampsia (high b/p ) while prego...and my high risk doc suggested I start taking it to prolong the b/p issues. I'm 19 weeks and have bn taking for about 2 months now. Good luck ttc!! Blessings!
  • I take baby aspirin due to preeclampsia. My doc has me on it up untill 34 weeks. I would def make sure your doc wants you to take it. I know it can be dangerous during pregnancy.
  • Thanks ladies, My Dr said that it wouldn't hurt to start taking it and it is safe during pregnancy since it's a low dose. I guess it also helps with blood clots.
  • My specialist makes me take a low dose because I have a placenta insufficiency.
  • I took it my first trimester because I have some genetic adnormality that I don't remember what is.
  • Does a baby aspirin really prevent a M/S? I just had a m/s 2 weeks ago and i really want to try again, just that im scared.. also had a still born baby boy in 2009, so please let me know about this.. thank you
  • @jenny1973 So sorry for you loss. It doesn't completly prevent all mc but studies have shown it to prevent certain types of mc. You can google it and read about it online. Also ask your Dr, mine recommended taking it.
  • I'm taking baby aspirin to prevent blood clots. I've had a pulmonary embolism in 2003 following a spinal fusion. While pregnant we r at a higher risk for blood clots due to the extra blood in our systems. I don't know about preventing miscarriages. It doesn't effect or harm the baby. Good luck!
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