emotions, hormones and serious jealousy
My husband just mentioned a divorce if I don't straighten out and get control over all my emotions and hormones....I feel like I'm going crazy lately and none of this hit me until my third trimester, and now its driving my husband away....all we do is fight and he doesn't need that being so far away and I don't need it with being about to have our daughter, I'm not used to having mood swings or wanting so much attention that I feel like I'm not getting even when I'm getting it....I don't want to lose him and have only been married since november.....do any o you ladies have any issues with your hormones, and emotions?? what do you ladies do to help keep yourself from flipping out on your men??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!! I can't stand the thought of losing the love o my life and my daughters father!!
I try to only cry about stupid things in the shower when he's not around. Helps me let it out and relax, plus it saves him some unnecessary angst.
Good luck!
Why don't you ask your dr if there are natural (foods) mood enhancers you can take? Kiwis and almonds are supposed to be good. Maybe smelling lavender in a candle or bath oils will calm you down.