sex why your pregnant

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
lol.. is it me are do any women enjoy sex why pregnant it help me with my first child and he is 2 ;;)


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  • lol. I guess it varies. I c so many posts of women who r like eww no sex. n some who r like gimme gimme gimme some. lol right now im on a record 6 days straight w my girl (:
  • I only like it every now and then
  • Oh you mean sex while you're pregnant. I didn't know what this post was about at first, I got it though.

    I like it as long as my hormones will let me feel attractive enough to get undressed. I'm 37 wks now and in so much pain everywhere that I rarely enjoy it, just too uncomfortable all the time! I used to though.
  • I just got back from the doc and she told me to have lots of sex lol...i dont want any though [-X but lets see what happens lol
  • Im Sex Crazy Now That Im Pregnant, I Want Sex All The Time But Don't Know How To Tell My BabyDaddy Lol It's Like Im Suppppeeerrr Horny 24/7.
    Am I Alone???
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