due in sept any 1 know the gender yet :):)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hey every 1 I'm due in september 3 I don't know what I'm havingg yet the did the first tri ultr sound but couldn't tell so I think I'm havin a girl hahaa I'm excited


  • I'm also due in Sept and I have my ultra sound on the 4 th but I don't want to know ...I'm hoping for a girl ...I already have a 2 1/2 yr old boy
  • Im hoping for a girl too..!!
    im due September 22 and have a 4yr old boy
  • edited March 2011
    I have one on the 4th too I hope I get a girl I have a 7year old boy and he wants a little sister too. ;)
  • My little man says its a "grill" lol he looks in my belly button and says he can se her playing with a toy I asked him what kind and he said a squeaky one LOL
  • I'm due the 22nd and find out Friday...if the baby cooperates hoping for a boy...I have 2 girls and boy and daddy and son are really wanting a boy my son always says its not fair that he doesn't get a boy to share his room with lol
  • I know the sex of one of my babies for sure. IT'S A BOY! The other one is hiding and being shy. But I have another one of many ultra sounds on the 11th so I should know then. Kinda hope for a girl but pretty sure its a boy. =D
  • well I have an appointment on the 22 of April so Idk I have 2 girls but I'm happy w whatever I get I'm just so anxious to know
  • well I have an appointment on the 22 of April so Idk I have 2 girls but I'm happy w whatever I get I'm just so anxious to know
  • I find out the 11th. Hoping for a boy, I have 2 girls.
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