Anybody gaining 1lb a week?!

edited March 2011 in Second pregnancy
Im supposed 2 be gaining 1lb a week...but i doubt that i am :( im 5'1, 105lbs...i think im eating alright, but im not gaining the weight...what would be a good days food...from breakfast 2 sleepy time?!


  • How far along are you?
  • Starting month 4 you only need to take 300 to 500 calories more a day everything else will stay on you.
  • I was 125 and I lost weight till I was 102 now I'm 150 n can't stop gaining....n I'm 30 weeks
  • @kteebeth im 13wks3days

    @nicoleduvall91 wow!!! i guess everybody's different...
  • I'm the same height! Started off at 109 lbs though. I didn't gain anything until around 13 weeks or so. I'm now 37 weeks and have gained 26 lbs. I would recommend 3 meals a day with 2-3 small low fat snacks throughout the day!
  • I have trouble gaining my weight and I am 14 weeks 5 days prego. It is awful because I know if I gain weight too fast at once I am going to keep it on. I was 123 before pregnancy now I am 126.
  • I'm 18.5 wks and only have gained 1.5lbs. My doctor said my weight is fine.
  • I am guessing as long as the baby is healthy thats all that matters. Its not like we are starving ourselves. Just eat right.
  • My weight was too low until about week 14, thats when the pound a week started. I was 130 then, week 21 now and I am like 145. Yikes. Hard to be biggest I have ever been!
  • I'm 5'2" & my normal weight is 100 lbs. BEFORE I got pregnant, I was stressed & dropped down to 92 lbs, the skinniest I've ever been. When I got pregnant, I thought "woohoo I can finally put on some weight". I've been eatin like crazy since I'm consantly hungry. Unfortunately @ my 12 wk check-up I weighed... 92 lbs! Ugh... doc said I definitely need to gain weight. My nxt appt is in 4 wks when I'll be 16 wks so hope to see a difference!
  • Wow I'm a rolly poly I'm 4 11 and started at 174 I gained a lot with my first and I'm having a hard time loosing it I gained 60 with my son that was. 10 years ago droped 50lbs 30 of that was the first 4 month prego with my daughter then gained 30 I've been up and down since (damn family jeans) anyway I'm 21 weeks and have gained 9 pounds this time
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