Hello my name is amber, and im kind of lost. I did not get my period for november at all, then in december I had my period from the 1st to the 4• and I have not had me period yet. Do you think I could be pregnant
Hi Amber, I agree with Autumn, you should take a pregnancy test. If you r pregnant than its important for u n the baby to go in the best health possible. Good luck and i hope to hear how the test went.
Thanks for everybody advice cause im very lost. Cause I took a test in november. But it had said negative. And know this, which I have not had my period since december 1st to the 4• but im going to take a test and I will let everybody now, thank you again
Amber - I would take a test as well. I am 8 weeks after a preemie and 2 miscarriages. My first two pregnancies didn't show up on an HPT. Go with your gut feeling.