im 7weeks gone and still dont feel preg

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ppl 1st time mom went tge dr 2weeks ago cause i was late but i still dont believe her that im preg i dont feel sick or tired no food change nothin im scared that when i go for my scan nothin gonna come up in ireland they leave to ur 15 weeks gone and dont need to go back to my dr to im 13 week i think thats to long x


  • That seems like way too long. To check again, you could always buy a couple pregnancy tests and compare the results. I had no idea I was pregnant and found out at 5 weeks. If I hadn't had my yearly check up, I probably wouldn't have known til about 9 weeks. All my symptoms kicked in around then. Good luck :)
  • If its ur first u might not have simptoms I didn't with my first and didn't find out til I was three months pregnant
  • I'm a first time mom also and have no symptoms either. Ive taken 5 tests and they've all been positive :) I think you'll feel better after taking a test
  • Thanks all but i takin 6test so far all came up positive i just think that in ireland they leavin me to long like i dont see any dr for another 6 weeks just nervous i think its to long
  • Is there anywhere near you that you could pay for a private scan. You can have them really early if you are willing to pay.
  • my symptoms went to day and I am 6 weeks as of hoping peanut is ok...
  • Ur really not going to feel pregnant other than the tiredness til the end of ur 2nd trimester unless u have signs of a miscarriage or anything of that nature I wouldnt worry and enjoy it bc when u cant see ur toes anymore ull be wishing u didnt feel so pregnant. :) this is my second and I didnt feel pregnant til I was about 26 weeks
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