racial stereotypes (pregnacy edition) dont be offended just for fun!! we can learn something!!



  • Im white & put hot sauce or ranch on everything
  • Why do African American moms let their kids be so rude to waitresses???!!!
  • Me too love hot sauce and ranch :)
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  • Red neck whites are so funny! Love lizzard licked towing
  • Why do I as a waitress dread getting African American customers because 9 times out of 10 it means little to no tip!
  • Here is one. How come I spent a fortune oh hair extensions and after the first day looked aweful. Frizzy and fake. And black people get them and they look fabulous! Im jealous lol
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  • @KerrideeRN u r too funny!
  • Nicole that's new my mom wouldn't allow that
  • @tootie08 I love hot sauce too, and talked about black ppl too. But guess what y does my 7yr old ask for hotsauce on almost everything! !! For acouple yrs now lol she loves it too!
  • @mommys1stbundle I think its hilarious when I go to a store and hear some things they get called. Im like.... Well atleast we know its you they are calling! I also think its funny when someone says mom and ever woman in ear shot yells "what" over her shoulder
  • @Kcantu2 ughh i hate that crap my mom wants my baby to call her GMOM! I keep telling her um no mom that sounds so freaking ghetto! And she says no it doesnt its cute...my baby is going to have like 7 or 8 mom moms so she wants to be special! But GMOM is not going to happen lol
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  • @mommie_mcatee OMG! Me too. I even got my bf watching it. Its hillarious. I also watch My Big Fat Red Neck Wedding sometimes. Guilty! Lol
  • @ghettobetty I'm hard on my white waittresss. I better be treated just like the whites or u get no tip. If i feel equal then i leave no less than five dollars
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  • Kids that call their parents by first name. I tried it twice. First time got me a blank stare, second time got me a pop in the mouth.
  • edited March 2011
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  • @Chels GMOM is def new to me lol.

    Im lucky my daughter started saying nanny on her own. Her ggm is nana, and my hubby psycho crazy beotch mom wants to be mimi. His step mom refuuses to be affiliated with any of it bc she is 28 lol
  • Gmama ... i hate when black kid call they grand ma, mama
  • edited March 2011
    I'm a great waitress treat everyone equal even when I know I won't get a good tip. I make great tips! :) unfortunately have never had an African American customer tip me decently. Also I've been out with many of my African American friends and watched them "tip" uh no I usually end up leaving more. They tell me that's white people stuff you don't have to tip...
  • Keri lol most def thosetoes hang ova lmao
  • Hot sauce and Mexicans! Omg my bd is Mexican and we have nine. I mean nine! Kinds of hot sauce. at first I was offended he put it on my cooking!! What the hell?? Even for fruit!
  • @kcantu2 Wait! Your husbands stepmom is 28? Is her name Anna Nicole. Lol. Wow!
  • Lmao @everyone. I had to step away for a sec n wen I came back I chocked on my koolaid ( watered down don't want the sugars " diabetes " ) I hate wen its more sugar than water ( black n spanish ) n my gma is gonn be a greatgrandma so her name is GMA HONEY. N lol y do all older spanish ppl wanna feed you? I mean I love free food but damn.
  • How is it that black mothers can multi task? Fry chicken, run the phone bill, and whip ass at the same time? Lmao yes I'm black, n have perfected this method
  • @kerrideenrn lol dang you going hard! Lmbo! !
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