Sharp pains

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
So I was just laying here in bed and all of a sudden got these sharp pains in my lower stomach, not like cramping... Im not bleeding or anything but should I be concerned?


  • It's probably just stretching...
  • Growing uterus pains. I find it helps me if I just sit up like criss cross on my bed for a little bit. But sometimes it gets sharp near my rear and I can't do anything to help those pains, and those ones last a while mostly when I'm constipated but its all normal. Some women get them more severe than others. Every poignancy is different lol (: hope that helped!
  • I get the same pains every night when I lay in bed! Sometimes they are mild but man, other times they hurt so bad...All I can do is curl up until they stop:( It seems like it happens when I finally start to relax...
  • Google "round ligament pain." It sucks but I was relieved to learn that it's normal.
  • Ive been having sharp pains all day but they only seem to be on the lower left side. I am 17 weeks and am wondering if anyone thinks it could be round ligament pain if its only on one side? Thanks in advance.
  • thanks ladies (:
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