NEED HELP mommies!

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm a first time mom, and now im in the process of making decision if we will going to have my circumcised at the day of his birth or later when he grow up a little bit. Any suggestions mommies? Which one is better?


  • When hes born is best...if u wait it will hurt alot worst and he will remember it at birth he"ll forget it ever happened
  • We had our son done in the hospital since we were already there....
  • My son is not circumcised, very happy with my decision, but if you do then that is also a great decision. I would just say do it when he's brand new. Its better that way. Gl!
  • edited March 2011
    With my second son, they said he didn't need it, well we had problems when he was 2 and he had it done when he was almost 3. If your gonna do it, do it in the hospital when he's born!
  • My oldest son is uncircumcised, younger one is. The only difference is I had to teach some extra personal hygiene to my oldest. If you do decide to do it, hospital is best, because they will forget the pain.
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