teen mom + pregnancy emotions = ????

edited March 2011 in Teen moms
I'm 18 yrs old 31 weeks pregnant. Due june 4th so I will be 19 when he arrives. I'm not sure if it is just pregnancy emotions starting or what, but I'm begining to feel like I'm letting everyone down or upsetting everyone by being pregnant so young. I'm engaged and will be with my fiance 2 years as of may 7th. But I feel like everyone thinks I'm having to grow up to fast, idk how to explain it but I really feel like I'm disappointing everyone.. my fiance has his own house we both have jobs and are in college but I can't help but feel like I have let everyone down. Now my fiance doesn't tell me how he feels anymore aside from saying he loves me, and he used to tell me all the time all these sweet things. Now it feels like were friends having a baby. "/ anyone else having these feelings??


  • @pne6411 I feel the same way . Im 20 and 16 weeks going on 17 weeks pregnant 2mar. I havent told much of my family neither because im ashamed they would look down on me for being pregnant so young . My dad Wife and my cousin told me not to worry and to just announce it because im grown ( or older in age ) and its my life. You should look at it like this; if any of the women or men in your family have had children at early ages , they shouldnt be disappointed or mad at you at all . Although they might be saddened that you got pregnant at 18 , but understandable because the samething that happened to them happened to you . If it didn't than you wouldnt be here today . Think of that way if any of them have had babies at young ages.
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