Missed Work?

edited March 2011 in Health
I've missed a couple days from my work early this pregnancy. I feel the boss may be a little upset about it, but I get so nauseous some days not to mention tired. I'm sure this is normal but wondered how everyone else is dealing w/it & if you've gotten in trouble?


  • Take peppermints with you and suck on them all day. It will help with the nausea and eat small meals throughout the day that will help with energy. Also you could ask your doc abt getting zofran for the nausea. Not phenergan cause that will make you more tired.
  • I Really don't like peppermints but have sucked on jolly ranchers or lemon drops. I also do have a prescription for zofran but I swear that stuff hardly works.i know its supposed to help to keep something in your stomach at all times, but when u don't feel like anything, its hard to force stuff down! I'm only about 11 wks & hope it stops soon, don't think boss will b very happy if it doesn't go away!
  • I'm totally useless at work. I'm actually the boss and I'm a little disappointed in myself! Why is it 2:40 in the afternoon and I'm laying up in the bed on Pregly?! Sigh! :-S
  • My sickness has been so bad I've actually been home sick four weeks now. Luckily have an awesome boss who helped me get on short term disability. Pregnant women are protected by law, so keep your rights In mind and do what is best for you and baby!
    @rodeoqueen13, hang in there, 12 weeks here on zofran too and feel like it was hopeless when yesterday had my first decent day. :) your almost there... Me too ;)
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