what not to eat

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Heya ppl im 7weeks gone and im 1st time mom wat not to eat helppppppp x


  • There's a lot on there I couldn't copy paste it sorry. Hope it helps
  • Thank you its just sime website say 1thing den others say diff thank you
  • U shouldnt have fish that contains mercury(shark, swordfish, mackerel) or soft cheeses-brie, feta, flue, goat, camembert, gorgonzola, and mexican soft cheeses these may contain bacteria and can cause serious food poisoning or illness in pregnant women. Also some deli meats can become easily contaminated( salami, liverwurst, and hot dogs.) Hot dogs should be well cooked. I got that off the list my doctor gave me which I didnt know when I had my first 2 kids.
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