my baby made my day

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Today has been an absolutely terrible day which included the final downfall to my marriage... but at 16 weeks I finally felt very powerful kicks from my baby! It was so wonderful to feel! I just started crying.. :) I love her/him so much already


  • edited March 2011
    sorry to heart about ur marriage. but lucky u felt the kicks. my gf is 17 weeks prego n I can't wait to feel my lil girl kick (:
  • Sit with your elbows on ur knees after a meal or snack.. pressing ur tummy into ur lap..that's how I felt it
  • Lol... I just seen u were a guy! Hahaha soon!
  • edited March 2011
    Sorry you have to go through this whole pregnant but the little one must have known you needed some love :)

    I felt my first flutter this week too. I'm almost 18 weeks. It's so surreal!
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