maternity leave?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Im due june 23, and was wondering when other working mamas are going on maternity leave and when your due?


  • Im due may 10th and im going to try to work as close to my due date as possible unless my dr tells me not to.
  • Im due in may but im in the military and they make you work right up until your water breaks. Unless your ob says otherwise of course. But I do get 42 days after the birth so I guess that's good
  • I am due may 14th. Im planning on working until I go into labor. I get 3 months off and the time hours by so fast so I want as much time as possible with my baby. I had my son july 31 2009 & had planned to take a week off before he was born because I was working full time then. I went into labor the first day of my leave and had him 6 days early. After 3 months home with him I refused to come back full time. So this time im going to just work until I deliver.
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