Sex during last month of pregnancy

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
What do you think? Safe or not? Problems with preterm labor?


  • Safe unless the dr gives u a reason not to
  • Safe unless the doc says not to im 38wks and humping lol
  • I say as long as your dr hasn't said other wise, keep it going! I'm 35 weeks and still at it.
  • edited March 2011
    thank you
  • I was jus worried abt the painful contractions afterwards. Do any of you get them aswell?
  • 36 wks n still at I have a contraction whn I get a orgasm. Thn it goes away n we keep goin Lol
  • @holli hahahaha that just made my day!
  • I don't get it...if people say having sex can speed up going into labor, does that only apply for the last month? Doesn't that mean you can have sex in the 7th or 8th and risk going into early labor?
  • 1stTimePreggo - It's very unlikely that you would go into labor at 7-8 weeks. If something like that happened it would be due to miscarriage or other complications. YSex is safe up until your water breaks or your contracting a bunch already, have at it ladies!
  • Its safe unless the dr says no. Im 34 wks and still going strong lol and probably will keep doing it right up until my water breaks.
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