need someone to talk to please

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
my dad just asked me if im pregnant he started yelling i kept saying no no no , no he said tomorrow my moms taking me to get a blood test , and if im pregnant im going to get an abortion or he is kicking me out..... ugh dont know what to do


  • Sweetie, how old are you? I know it seems like a stupid question, but it will help me give you proper advice. I know depending on the state you live in there are places you can go and live while you are pg and after the baby is born they help you transisition into a permanate place w/ your baby. Don't be scared of your decesion, do what's best for you no matter what the outcome is
  • @happymama2be im 18 ill be 19 dec 6 and the babies due nov 23
  • @jade_may9 well am i ??? if the question is pregnant yes im 6 weeks today
  • Ok well I think I've been ther ok I was 17 when I got pregnant I called my parents from a school phone cause I was too scared to tell them in person but I had the balls to spread em and get pregnant I had to face it face the music so finally my dad get home he has always been the strict dad I was always scared of him so I'm not gunna lie he flips and slapped the shi* out of me bla bla bla well at the end he gave me that altimatum either I get an abortion or I get the hell out well I stood my grounds kept it but I'm not gunna lie its very very very hard 1 being preggo at 17 and being a single mom well when I was 4 months they kinda came around well they were still upset that I messed up its very emotionally and physically hard to be so young and pregnant I had my ultrasound and I was all alone that sucks but whatever path u choose either abortion adoption or keeping it regardless of anything its going to change ur life and u really just need to tell ur parents if you are its better off u telling them than them fiding out like that
  • @julieluvsslalo yes im goibg to just tell my mom tommorrow, my moms alot more understanding , but im going to ke er p my baby and like you said im going to just stand my ground and grow up . im very happy to even be pregnant , i just need to let them kniw im going to keep my baby wheather they are therefor me or not .
  • Yea I stood my ground u know my baby dad was a good guy but he wasn't for me I never denied him my chuld but he never ever came around I'm not gunna lie ur gunna probably have times were ur just gunna be ballin wif tears and I know I was like that I would cry a lot especially that time I had my sono I was thinking what am I doing and I. Had to walk out the doc office like nothing cause I knew my mom was outside waiting in the car me and her we didn't have such a good relationship so I knew if she saw me sad down broken she would of looked at me and said u wanted this deal with it like she was really cold she wished that instead of a baby in my belly it was a tumor I can quote her on that but just be strong have a strong attitude u know don't loose respect to no one just stay quiet there places out there that will help u too but its been 7 yrs and I'm married on my 3rd baby happy as can be and my husband adopted my daughter so sum how some way god always has a plan the thing is u got to stay on the correct path u know and always put ur child first
  • Iam glad with ure decision..and trust me sooner or later he'll come around..i was a teen mom also..had my first at 18.. parents weren't too happy but eventually they came around..having my second in 4 weeks..iam 21 now and recently stoped talking to my mom.but dad is still there for me..seems hes most understanding..well' congrats wish u the best and good luck telling ure perents..
  • My dad made me do the same thing when I was 18. He said I had to get an abortion or he was going to kick me out! I was soooo scared so I got the abortion but that's a day that I'll never forget. I regret it and I will never do anything like that again...Your dad may be upset now but give it some time bc they don't take info like that easily. He'll come come around! Good luck %%-
  • i think every parent would be upset u know i know if my daughter got prego at a young age it would not only hurt me but also upset me because i am really trying so hard for my girls im givin them thing i never had as a little girl but i know i would do the same thing my parents did i would probably support her in whatever choice she makes but honestly it would hurt me alot your parents are probably more hurt than angry they will come around and if they dont then o well im sure u have other ppl in your life that love u just as much dont worry :)
  • If you have no place to go try getting onto local housing. There are places that can and will help you. Especially being an unwed mother. See what you can find out and keep us posted.
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