hmmm... sooo its late i cant sleep sooo .....

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
i cant sleep lol i cant really eat lol i always feel like i have to burp and i am always thirsty but have to pee every min but i am sooooooo excited about my baby i cant wait till he or she gets here im due sept 3 and already these months have pasted by soooooo quick lol any ways i find out what im having april 22


  • Nice. :) I just found out what I'm having today, and I'm due September 7th. =) Girl! What are you hoping for?
  • well i really dont care as long as its healthy but i already have 2 girls and the hubby wants a boy soo bad lol idk i am just sooo anxious to find out congrats on the girl so what r u gunna name her ?
  • Her name is Evelynn Raen. =) Thanks for asking. And good luck to you for your boy!
  • lol thanks awwww evelyn is such a beautifull name lol thats my oldest daughter name evelyn marie and my second is madalynn nicole hopfully if i have a 3rd girl her name will be ava julieana :)
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