oh its disgusting

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Either my nerves are shot or my morning sickness decided to kick in at exactly 4 months. I can't even keep water down. But then again, my nerves are so bad that I can't even sleep or eat. My ex said he would be here for me to support me but he can't even send me a simple text. I know he will forgive me when he has time to cool off but until then, idk if I can do it. Some advice or motivation would greatly help.


  • Keep your head up. Right now you need to do what's best for the baby and that is take care of yourself. Give your ex some space and time to cool off. Don't blow up his phone either. Time heals all. Turn to God, he has a plan for you. You will get through this. Good luck.
  • Yes, and I will be doing it without him. I'm better off. If he can't be here for the baby before its born, then he won't change when she is born. He will regret this sooner or later. But its his mistake, not mine. Because I am doing right by my baby. Which is more than he can say. if he doesn't come around, someone who cares will. God has a plan and I'm doing fine without him because my family and friends are being very supportive
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