any overdue mommies?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Any overdue moms out there? What are u doing to pass the time and kickstart labor?


  • Im not overdue at the moment but I know how you feel, my 14 month old was 8 days late! Once I went over my due date I realized that there was nothing I could do to make her come because I had already tried everything! Lol I made sure everything was packed and ready in our bags, made sure all her clothes were ready and washed, made sure the nursery was set up, made sure we had tons of groceries to come home to so we didn't have to go anywhere, made sure the house was completely clean so we didn't come home to a mess, made sure all the laundry was done and put away. :) time went by very fast. Before I knew it I was being induced and I had a beautiful baby girl in my arms! I suggest taking a nice warm relaxing bath every night and sleeping as much as you can day and night before delivery day! You will need your strength. Also make sure you snack often to always have food in your belly just in case because once you get to the hospital, there is no food until baby is born, just liquids, Popsicles, and sometimes jello. :) good luck hun and congrats!!
  • Thanks so much for all the info. I will so get on all of that! Yeah.
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