feeling lonely and confused

ok for those of you who know whats going on in my Drs treatment, Monday i had my u/s. and Im still waiting for her to call me with the results of the PCOS and to let me know when my next appointment is... All of these DR appointments, are becoming lonely. Sure I have a great friend go with me, but what I really want is my husband... He'll be home in 4 Months. and 4 months seems so far away.... ( no ladies, hes not in the service....) hes been gone since novemeber, and Im going crazy with out him.... Things are really stressfull around my house, My moms not in a stable state of mind, and things are becoming extremly stressfull on me. I know I shouldnt be stressing on shit like this now, I need to keep my body health.... Im just soo stressed... and Im not sure what to do or how to speak about things.... All i wanna do is scream! I just picked up a 2nd job so when my husband comes home, well be able to move, from this forsaken state... So not only and I working 2 jobs, undergoing treatment for PCOS, but im dealing with an unstable mother, and a husband who wont be home until august!!! FML
thanxs for listening ladies, I just needed to vent


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