is anyone having crazy dreams?

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I have been having the craziness dreams. One of them that I can remember was I had to tell some guy that he was not the father of my baby, and it was my real boyfriends. It was do bizarre because I have been with the same man for four years. Lol


  • Yeah I had insane dreams when I was pregnant.. my baby was born looking about 2 and I kept crying cause I wanted a baby not a toddler. Then I drempt it could talk and I hadn't fed it since it was born and its face skin was peeling. And my x boyfriend was the father and he was a drug dealer lol. Weird as dreams. I'm trying for my second as of yesterday I got the rod out and I jst had a really long dream about my nan (who has already passed away) passing away. It was really intense and I woke up crying and hyperventalating :( lol havnt had a dream like that since I was pregnant. CAn it happen in a day Haha
  • I've had 2 dreams with my ex boss in them. (This week!) They spiraled into very strange plots. I can't really remember them, but whew! Weird! !
  • I know it is crazy. I had one last night that I was yelling and mad at dead mother. I woke up freaked out.
  • When I first found out I was prego I dreamt in classical music, kinda hard to explain but it was like my baby was the music. Now alls I dream about is food! Drives me crazy
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